Jag, Daylily

Jag, Daylily
Jag, Daylily


*JAG (Pierce G.) 3510 (Blue Martini x Spinefeld) TET, EV, EMre, 35” high, 6.5” flower, 7way branching, 55-60 buds.    
     JAG has been my workhorse for making the transition from pattern to pattern and teeth.  There are too many to show but honestly this bridge daylily has given me a very high number of EXCITING keepers every year.  Most are in the purple range with a full double edge of purple with white teeth.  I have several which are VERY Blue in the watermark and edge, and then outlined in white teeth. Very Neat!!!  For me this is the new frontier with so many more possibilities than just Patterns or Teeth.  JAG is a big and sturdy flower that always looks perfect.  The scape is tremendous and I have never lost a plant something I can’t always say about some of my teeth intros.  I don’t know, there is definitely a bug out there in the teeth, something I aim to breed-out; JAG I feel fits that bill.  JAG has almost limitless breeding possibilities, so have fun…  Fertile both ways.