*Mythical Art
G) 1315-F (Seedling x Tetra Texas Kaleidoscope) x Tetra Colorful
Etchings EMre EV emo 34” 6.75” flower, 5 way branching, 35-40 buds,
Every year I say “This is my favorite…” well, MYTHICAL ART
is my favorite Tetra Colorful Etchings kid. Large and so much
more colorful than the dip. MYTHICAL ART has a cream white base
of heavy substance with a raspberry purple etching with a lavender
purple center and a green throat. The wide full form ruffled
petals have a matching picottee with colors of both raspberry purple
and dark purple all stitched together. It’s not the patterns or
the colors but how they are all arranged to present this eye catching
beauty. MYTHICAL ART is just that. Easily Fertile both ways.