*Rollercoaster Rush
*Rollercoaster Rush
(Pierce G.) TET 9315 ((Mountain Wildflower x Sdlg) x Fringy) 44”
6.5” flower, EV emo EMre, 8-way branching with 45-50 buds.
Arching Foliage.
This is one big showy flower on tall wonderfully branched scapes,
looking all the while like a 7”or larger bloom! The large
double edged flowers sit high above the low arching foliage and make
for in instant attraction. Blooms on Rollercoaster Rush are solid
with heavy edging of ruffles and spikes. No hanging. I have
taken Rollercoaster Rush to both big edges to increase scape height and
to patterns with great success and will await yet another year’s crop
of new seedlings next spring. Like all the flowers I introduce
this flower is absolutely consistent from first bloom to the last, and
is one that looks much better in person I hope you’ll love
it as I do. Fertile both ways.