Seminole Stitchery, Daylily

*Seminole Stitchery

*SEMINOLE STITCHERY (Pierce G.) 481-K (Waves of Joy x Tet Cosmic Kaleidoscope) EV, EE, 37” high, 7.25” flower, 5 way branching, 30-35 buds.

Every flower has to speak to me before I name it.  And when you have dabbled pollen tens of thousands of times, you get a good feel.  SEMINOLE STICHERY reminds me of American Indian weaving.  Flower dyed purples Stitched into a leather pelt, as Indian Artwork.  I LOVE THIS FLOWER.  She is imposingly large, and has a Clean Mother Earth look.  If you are a lover of the outdoors SEMINOLE STICHERY will speak to you too.  EXTREMELY Pod Fertile, I’m still pulling pods as I write.  A wonderful scape, and low arching foliage.  I love the Cosmic Kaleidoscope influence on the Wide Sepals, and the Double edge Picotee Stitching.  EXTREMELY Limited