*The Gift of Pizazz
*THE GIFT OF PIZAZZ (Pierce G.) 3471
((Rings of Wonder x Moving Pictures) x Tetra Colorful Etchings) TET,
SEV, EMre, 40” high, 5.5” flower, every bloomer, 5way branching, 35-40
buds. Just like the photo.
I told a man I needed to borrow $1,000.00. He said “What do you have
for collateral”? I replied “Just this one - Pizazz”. I got
the loan! Ok maybe I exaggerated a wee bit. Bottom line,
THE GIFT OF PIZAZZ is one neat
daylily! The pattern holds true
all season, and the edge gets wider in the heat. Sold to
the first 50 or so folk who send in a check! I’m keeping back at
least 20 pots for seeds. Fertile both ways and I’m one row
short of what I need when I normally introduce things so it is very