*LIME PEEL (Stamile, P.) TET 058-A (His Highness x Tet Spider Miracle) 38” MRe. fr. emo. ev.  9½” x     2½” x 1¼”.  15” wingspan.  3.0:1 spider ratio. Spatulate unusual form.  6-way branching. 35-40 buds. This beautiful waxy green –yellow blend is a personal favorite of mine.  I have always felt that if we had the right tall outfacing bright yellow spider we would have the classic landscaping daylily. Yellows carry and big yellows carry further. Outfacing blooms insure the color is there while tall strong scapes insure the blooms are not blocked by other daylily “companions”, i.e. other perennials.  LIME PEEL is just such a daylily.  It is intriguing for a yellow in that there are green ribs on either side of the midrib that reach out over half the bloom.  A wonderful daylily. Fertile both ways but a difficult pod parent for me……..$100.00