*LITTLE LIZA JANE (Stamile,G) diploid D99-48G (Little Wild Flower x Roswitha) 20” EMRe. nofr. emo. Sev.  2 7/8”. 5 way branching. 36-40 buds. 100% double.  LITTLE LIZA JANE continues Grace’s popcorn doubles into the purples and what a wonderful addition this is. The full formed purple doubles look like tiny carnations, but unlike a carnation these doubles are on plants with just fabulous bloom quantity. Clumps of LITTLE LIZA JANE are so covered with bloom one can hardly see the foliage. If you have never landscaped with one of  these I urge you to try to use them. The high floriferousness, the uniform blossom size and height make these little ones the perfect companions to combine  with other perennials. Fertile both ways………………………...$50.00