*ORANGE ELECTRIC (Stamile,P.) TET 0402-A  [Sungold Candy X (Panda Bear x Awesome Blossom)] 34” EMRe. fr. emo. ev. 5” x 2 7/8” x 1¾”. 7-way branching.  45-50 buds.  The name says it all.  Picture a brilliant gold dusted orange with a bright velvety scarlet red eye and edge on a very round heavily substanced bloom.  The throat is a seafoam-citron green blend that is unusual for this color.  If you like screaming orange in the garden you will love this flower.  If you hybridize, ORANGE ELECTRIC offers a very sophisticated round bloom and is easily fertile both ways.  ORANGE ELECTRIC also has the highest bud count and branching of all the Spring introductions……………$100.00