*PARADISE CITY (Stamile,P.) TET 7189-A  (Strawberry Fields Forever x Lake Effect)  30” Late-VL. EV. no fr. EMO. 5½” x 3 1/8” x 2 1/8”.  4 way  branching.  30-35 buds.  Ah, the mysteries of hybridizing!  From a mid season and a mid season late comes PARADISE CITY, the last flower in the garden to begin bloom.  This flower is really about Late Bloom – bringing the bloom season to late June in the South and to late August-September in the North.  This beautiful cream pink is marked with a mauve rose eye and an edge of mauve rose rimmed in yellow.  Blooms are very flat and full with unique edges that fold and curl on all three of the petals but is usually especially prominent on one of the petals.  Scapes are some of the best in the garden presenting the large blooms well and allowing the large flowers to open without crowding.  A dramatic and striking addition to the late season.  Fertile both ways and an interesting heritage for hybridizing……………...$100.00