*SPRING CHORUS (Stamile,P) TET 034 (Taos x Ballerina On Ice) 27” EMRe. fr. emo. ext. Dor. 5½” x 3” x 2”.   4-way branching. 20-25 buds.
     Bulletproof!  Hardly the usual descriptive of a daylily but SPRING CHORUS comes as close as a daylily can become.  This pretty rose pink with its gold edge and penciled eye can bake out in the 95 ? sun all day, suffer a torrential downpour in the afternoon and still look good at the end of the day.  The very heavy substance of this beautifully formed daylily allows it to withstand forces that would damage a normal daylily bloom.  A gorgeous daylily despite its toughness.  I have used SPRING CHORUS extensively to capture its qualities of durability.  Easily fertile both ways