*STAR ASTERISK (Stamile,P.)  TET 048-B [(Moonlit Masquerade x Tetra Rainbow Spangles) X Tetra Satan’s Curls]  40” EERe. vfr. emo. Ev. 9½” x 1¾” x 1”. 12” wingspan. Petal length 5¾”, petal width 1¾”. Spider ratio 3.2:1. Unusual form – quilled and pinched crispate. 5 way branching. 25-30 buds. Strong erect scapes with multiple branching.
     STAR ASTERISK has a powerful presence in the garden. With its pinched petals and quilled sepals it looks like clusters of giant asterisks in the garden. The color is a deep lavender, not purple, with a purple eye and pale Spring green throat. The quilling of the sepals usually ends in a simple tube but can often widen and be tipped in an arrowhead shape. The effect is to have the petals narrower at the ends with its pinching while the sepals are narrower in the midsection. A strange and wonderful cultivar, STAR ASTERISK also adds Nell Carndall’s Tetra Satan’s Curls to the tet spider gene pool. Fertile both ways………………….$100.00