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![]() Partial Sunlight |
* ‘Bada Bing Bada Boom’
(Peat, ’17) (Wild and Wacky x Rippled Oasis) 7862 - 6” flower, 22”
scape. EM, Sev., Fr., 3 way branching with 18 buds. I couldn’t believe that the name ‘Bada Bing Bada Boom’ was available. I just love the name for this flower with the exploding patterned eyezone. As she usually does, ‘Wild and Wacky’ stamps that complex eyezone, applique throat and dark purple veining in her children with varying patterns. There is a whole lot going on in this flower face, shades of blue, burgundy, purple, white to cream applique, darker bands of burgundy-purple all above a bright green throat. The pattern is more consistent in ‘Bada Bing Bada Boom’, whereas, ‘Wild and Wacky’ varied depending on the night time temperatures. A must for any connoisseur of Daylilies and Hybridizer that loves patterns. |