Apple Mountain, Daylily
Apple Mountain, Daylily
Apple Mountain, Daylily

*Apple Mountain

*APPLE MOUNTAIN Pierce G.  5185  (Big 8 x Jade Ovation) EV,  EE, RE, 36” high, 8.5” flower, 9-way branching, 50+ buds, Fragrant.  Bi-Tone.

Yes, “There’s Green in them there Reds again…”  If you have been tired of the average looking reds over the past 2 decades, then APPLE MOUNTAIN just may fit your bill.  Again, the influence of TRFK has saved the day adding not only size, and that amazing Diamond Dusting, but My Favorite – Green.  APPLE MOUNTAIN has not only a lovely Full Form look, she has a tree scape that dreams are made from.      The Mountain grows like a weed, is strong, has my cherished arching foliage, and best of all throws BIG Green throated kids.  I have some to truly drool over Futures here.  The Mountain also has a distinctive  pinkish watermark that matches the petals outlined in bubbly Chartreuse.  A large, double substance Beauty.  DF