Be Cool, Daylily

*Be Cool

*BE COOL Pierce G. 633-E  (Diamond Shores x Guy’s Outrageous) x (Good Golly x Hemingway) SEV EM RE EMO 37” high, 8” flower, 5-way branching, 35 buds, 4” petal width, Fragrant, Diamond Dusted, Fertile both ways.

          Wow!  They just keep getting bigger, more amazing, and now are beginning to fatten-up  and round.  In fact, the garden nick name was “fat boy”. This is only used for me to keep track of.  Imagine a darker Purple Ninja, with a round Celery green center watermark, round form, and with a quite WIDE saw tooth mixed Chartreuse ruffled edge.  With THREE SETS of TRFK in BE COOL, she had better be Thicker, Bolder, – Even faster – Zoom!  Yes, I jest, but miss this one and there might just be tears.  A super strong grower, I love how the thick green veining comes out onto the 4” petals.  Thank God, “It just seems to never end…”