Berry Ambitious, Daylily
Berry Ambitious, Daylily

*Berry Ambitious

*BERRY AMBITIOUS G. Pierce    418-A  (Sonya Starchak x Lucky You)  DOR/SEV  EM RE  27” high 7.25” flower 5 way branching 30 buds  low arching foliage  Diamond Dusting  Bi-Tone. Another example of how the addition of Tet Rose F. Kennedy's GREEN can really make a daylily Pop!  The garden name for BERRY AMBITIOUS was “Sonya on steroids” and next to H. Sonya Starchak the blooms are like a Ram to the Billy Goat.  ***Daylilies will never stop leaping forward...  Like most of my BIG flowers, you just can't see in a photo just how much substance and how heavy the blooms really are.  There is a special glow and uniqueness to the white and green watermark, it has a kind of neon effect that the others do not have.  BERRY AMBITIOUS is almost twice the flower of Sonya.  She is easily Fertile Both Ways and startling in person.  Being Dormant she should actually do better for YOU…  Enjoy...  D/F (For now).