*Fruitful Handiwork
HANDIWORK Pierce G. 5304 (Halloween Effect x Tet Waxen
Splendor) SEV EM RE EMO 30” high, 6.5” flower, 5-way branching, 25
buds, Fragrant. Fertile both ways, Triple edging, Bold near black eye,
VERY Large Edge!!!
After first being blessed with what I consider
the very first genuine Double Edging in a large full form with
Picasso’s Intrigue, they have since become larger, more diverse,
striking, and beautiful. In Hybridizing, the trick is to keep
coming-up with something Better. *ALWAYS Improving is not an easy
task. I am proud to finally have just that in FRUITFUL
HANDIWORK. Vibrant & Colorful. Just take a look at her.