The 19th Hole, Daylily

*The 19th Hole

*THE 19TH HOLE Pierce G.  6882 ((Diamond Shores x Globally Green) x Green Seedling)  SEV EM RE VERY EMO  30” high, 8” flower, 5-way branching, 30 buds, Fragrant. Fertile both ways, 96% Thick Celery DD GREEN!

     Another extra-large GREEN flower tipped in the brightest Bubble Gum Pink.  Unbelievable – UN BE LIEVABLE!!! !!!!!  You will literally fall off your seat when you see THE 19th HOLE.  And… see perfection every single day for 5 + months here.  This should be $500 Masterpiece, You’ll see – I hope.  *Please thank God that he has given me strength, because you just do not get these by being lazy.  I really hope you can see what a miracle these new Double Thick Green daylilies are…