* 'Balancing Act' (Peat, J.
‘07) Sev., Fr., M., Re., 21 in. sc.; 7 in. fl., 3 way branching with 18
buds. These enormous coral-pink-red consistently double flowers that feel like they weigh
2.5 pounds and have amazingly sturdy scapes that
never droop or flop over. The petals and sepals are beautifully
ruffled, making the flower very full and give the appearance of an
enormous bloom, that is if 7 inches wasn’t enough! The visitors this
year went crazy over this one mainly because of it’s sheer size and
grand appearance from a distance in the garden. Named ‘Balancing Act’
because no one could believe how heavy the flowers were and that the scapes
always held up their weight. Amazing! Pod Fertile only. ‘Denali’ x ‘Formal Appearance’ |