A 25 meter maple tree was removed from the back of this
yard and the owners budget didn't allow for the removal of the huge
stump rendering that area of the yard wasted space. We came up with
this solution to the problem. We built a 25 square foot deck, covered
the ends with corrugated plastic roofing using pre-existing frames to
protect the BBQ from the
elements and allow for a BBQ in the rain. This area is now fully
functional and enjoyed by the tenants during the nicer weather. The
owners budget was tight, so we were unable to sand down all the
surfaces and properly stain them, however, the owner is thrilled with
the cost and look.
The back fencing was increased in height to allow privacy and to reduce any noise so as not to disturb the neighbors.
You can see here a newly planted
garden on the left, the right large of bed of hybrid Daylilies. The
start of the path has two potted Banana Trees which now stand 7 feet
tall. The owner has acquired two more Banana Trees for the end of the
path helping to add a little tropical flavor to the garden.
Notice the next door neighbors vine has taken over the right side roof,
which adds even more charm to the structure. This vine grew in less
than a month.
Contact us for an estimate or more information.