Above are before pictures of a flooring job we were asked to do, unfortunately our camera actually made the old flooring look pretty good, but if you look closely this floor had tile edges curling and stained tiles from years of sun beaming in on them. They were cracked and totally discolored since they were laid 30 years ago. All total, the area that needed to
be done was 165 square feet. Our client wanted as little disruption
in her daily routine as possible. She is 84 years of age and keeping to her schedule we were able to keep her in
her comfort zone.
Here we are removing the old tiles
which had been cemented down 30 years ago. They had been down for so
long you can see the outline of each tile permanently stained in the
wood under- flooring.
We had to remove all the
baseboards and electric baseboard heaters in order to do the job
correctly. All total we removed the 165 tiles in just under four hours.
Notice the blue bin has the old tiles in it, we clean as we go.
In these images you can see that when we finish a job we do it right by putting
everything back the way we found it. Cleaning up after ourselves guarantees the
owner doesn't have to lift a finger.
With exception of a brand new
floor, you wouldn't even have known that two guys had just spent the
last 10 hours in the house. Notice the clean counter tops, the
refrigerator and stove put back where we found them and the electric
baseboard heaters back on the walls and tested to be sure they worked
properly (we even vacuumed and cleaned the appliances while they were pulled out). Materials cost on this job $175.
The daughter (pictured above) of the home owner was so impressed with the
improvement and speed at which we completed the job, contracted us to re-tile
her kitchen floor. She had been waiting four years for her landlord to do
the work.
the glue had almost completely given out on this This flooring was installed back in 1963, time for a floor. change. scotch tape to hold them down. As is typical she What a difference a few hours of labour and $125 in had great difficulty getting the landlord to replace materials does to a kitchen floor. No more tripping or the tiles, therefore, we were called in as our rates stubbing toes in this kitchen. are extremely reasonable. |